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Check Out The Four Indicators That You May Need An Upgrade..

Posted by: Hakeem
Category: Information, Safety
Electrical Touch
  • Age – If your fuseboard has not been changed in twenty years then it is likely not compliant with current standards and may not provide you with basic protection. Technology and safety associated with consumer units has also moved on massively in the last thirty years from both the perspective of shock and fire protection and also the ease of use for the homeowner.

  • Does your consumer unit have an RCD or Residual Current Device? Most modern consumer units should have and this single device massively increases the safety of your home electrics.

  • Live parts exposed – Are the working parts, fuses, or circuit breakers enclosed or are parts of the board exposed? It’s surprising how many fuseboards we come across with fuseholders or blanking plates missing leave live parts exposed to touch.

  • Fire risk– As mentioned above, is your fuseboard constructed of wood or plastic? If it is then it may not meet fire regulations. Should the worst happen, would the location of your fuseboard impede your escape in the event that it caught fire? Many consumer units are located either in an under-stairs cupboard or by the front door and many of these cupboards are also used to store potentially flammable objects.

    Go And Check Your Fuseboard Now

Author: Hakeem

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